00:10:41 UKAT: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this launch event for the Special Edition of Frontiers in Education - Academic Advising and Tutoring for Student Success in Higher Education: International Perspectives! 00:10:57 UKAT: We will be starting at 2pm with Clair Zawada introducing our speakers for the afternoon. 00:11:08 UKAT: There will be no video of the presenters, but slides are displayed on screen and the presenters will be talking through them. This webinar is being recorded. The recording and slides will be freely available to view on the UKAT website within the next five days. 00:11:25 UKAT: We kindly ask that all participants mute their cameras and microphones to make the experience better for all. 00:16:25 Samantha Ahern: Hi! 00:16:27 Emily McIntosh: Good afternoon everyone (or morning or evening!) lovely to see you all 00:16:38 Emily McIntosh: Hello Sam hope you are well? 00:16:45 Dionne Barton: Hello everyone. 00:17:00 Samantha Ahern: Hi Emily, yes thanks, just bored of working from home 00:17:08 Emily McIntosh: haha with you on that one! 00:20:18 Dionne Barton: David, are we cameras off when we are presenting? 00:20:53 UKAT: Yes please Dionne, we're not using cameras today 00:21:16 Dionne Barton: That suits me fine, thank you. 00:21:17 Emily McIntosh: that's good I can sip my coffee at the same time 00:21:21 UKAT: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this launch event for the Special Edition of Frontiers in Education - Academic Advising and Tutoring for Student Success in Higher Education: International Perspectives! We will be starting at 2pm with Clair Zawada introducing our speakers for the afternoon. There will be no video of the presenters, but slides are displayed on screen and the presenters will be talking through them. This webinar is being recorded. The recording and slides will be freely available to view on the UKAT website within the next five days. We kindly ask that all participants mute their cameras and microphones to make the experience better for all. As you join please feel free to introduce yourselves with your name, role, and institution. 00:35:18 PETER REGELOUS: Greeting from Derby _ I study virtually @ HK Poly! Find me on the UKAT platform Peter Regelous see you @ Annual conference! 00:36:28 Jacqui Thijm: Could we have the link in the chat pls 00:36:42 Ryan Scheckel: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9684/academic-advising-and-tutoring-for-student-success-in-higher-education-international-perspectives 00:37:04 Jacqui Thijm: Thank you 00:42:29 PETER@DERBY: https://www.frontiersin.org/ website is down not working! 00:45:09 Emily McIntosh: Link to research topic here (where you can download articles individually and also the eBook): https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9684/academic-advising-and-tutoring-for-student-success-in-higher-education-international-perspectives 00:45:11 UKAT: The Frontiers site is working from here. If you can't get the direct link to work, you can access the site from the Community/Research/Frontiers Special Edition menu item on the UKAT website main menu 00:51:27 Jacqui Thijm: Should be still be viewing the first slide? 00:54:12 Samantha Ahern: Jacqui - no you should now be seeing a Topic/methodology slode 00:55:25 Jacqui Thijm: my question was for the last presentation, where there was one slide for the whole presentation 00:55:43 Samantha Ahern: Then yes, not everyone has a slide 01:06:59 Susan Corner: Hello from Canada's west coast and thank you for this wonderful international advising research experience! Susan Corner, Director, Academic Advising Centre, University of Victoria 01:07:33 Emily McIntosh: Welcome, Susan! lovely to see you 01:07:53 UKAT: Thank you for joining us this afternoon Susan, it's lovely to have you with us 01:13:33 Catherine Farrant: I thought it was very interesting and thought provoking. Was great 01:13:41 Catherine Farrant: Thank you @Sam Ahern 01:14:15 Samantha Ahern: Thank you Catherine 01:14:36 Samantha Ahern: If anyone would like to fo know more, than please feel free to contact me 01:16:05 Zenab Anwar: I think its sometimes forgotten, the impact that mental health has on other domains of a students university life. Thank you for bringing that to light Sam. 01:19:04 Craig McGill: Honored to be cited, Ben! 01:26:43 Liz Thomas: Sorry I have to leave for another meeting before the discussion. Congratulations to everyone involved; it makes a fantastic contribution to the field. Particular thanks should be given to Emily, who skilfully steered this special issue and book to now through some very challenging situations. 01:27:09 Emily McIntosh: thanks so much Liz for all your support! 01:30:18 Samantha Ahern: Hilary Engward - I really hope so, re: the change in approach to learning and it being a safe space to experiment and explore 01:30:20 Ben Walker: You're welcome Craig...your quote really helped things fall into place so thanks to you too. 01:31:31 Emily McIntosh: the eBook curates the collection into three sections which may help colleagues to direct their reading of the contributions - the editorial also suggests how these contributions are connected thematically 01:36:57 Tania Van den Bergh: Thanks everyone, very interesting. I am sorry, have another call now. 01:38:00 Emily McIntosh: great question, Wendy!!! 01:40:57 Samantha Ahern: There is so much to discuss, just about predictive analytics 01:41:14 Emily McIntosh: agreed, Sam 01:41:24 Craig McGill: Really interesting question! 01:44:01 Susan Corner: Wow- so exciting Wendy - looking forward to the searchable database being available to inform practice and advance research Thank you all for this incredible work! 01:44:47 Wendy Troxel: Hi, Susan! Yes, thank you! So looking forward to getting this all out there! 01:45:18 Wendy Troxel: @Samantha . .. yes, on predictive analytics! It makes me both interested and nervous! 01:45:46 Zenab Anwar: To Alison : Was there a difference between the personal tutoring needs of students from individualistic countries Vs Collectivist countries 01:45:47 Catherine Farrant: Thank you everyone.. I do have to go now. 01:45:50 Alexandra Salas: Thank you for wonderful presentations! 01:45:58 Emily McIntosh: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9684/academic-advising-and-tutoring-for-student-success-in-higher-education-international-perspectives 01:45:58 Wendy Troxel: Processing time! 01:46:08 Samantha Ahern: @wendy oh yes, I can talk for hrs on the topic. Especially when historical data is used and it contains biased outcomes 01:46:55 Patricia Gilbert: Thanks for the brilliant presentations - I look forward to reading the book. Capacity issues remain central to personal tutoring in HE in the UK I think – can professionalisation and scholarship fully address this? 01:47:02 Samantha Ahern: The models will never just ‘sort it out’ 01:47:34 Zenab Anwar: interesting, Thank you Alison ! 01:47:54 MENGJIE JIANG: Thank you for the presentation! 01:48:21 Emily McIntosh: I think we cannot not make space for this 01:48:37 Samantha Ahern: Agreed Emily. 01:48:39 Emily McIntosh: mainstreaming advising requires providing time and space for it to happen - and happen effectively 01:48:39 Jacqui Thijm: LA is an interesting area, that as far as I can tell students have not had any input into their use. I think they would be surprised that LA is being used to identify "them" as being at risk or not 01:49:11 Samantha Ahern: Student relationships with staff and the community and sense of belonging that creates is crucial in so many ways to student learning and wellbeing 01:49:48 Emily McIntosh: agreed Sam - this is relational pedagogy in practice - without this we cannot build the systems of trust and dialogue upon which so much else is reliant 01:50:53 Patricia Gilbert: Thanks Wendy – an excellent approach - there are no shortcuts to this probably. 01:50:54 Wendy Troxel: Local conversations about what advising and tutoring IS at an institution vs. what it SHOULD be, are critically important. 01:51:02 Samantha Ahern: Jacqui - there are things that students assume we do, that we don’t do. Often there are lots of discussions with student unions about any LA roll outs. I introduced the concepts to students by getting them to complete a logic grid puzzle, also sometimes playing Cluedo, to help them understand what is happening with the data about them in an easily understandable way 01:51:42 Emily McIntosh: thanks to everybody for their amazing contributions, much appreciated 01:51:56 Samantha Ahern: Thank you everyone, it has been an honour to share my work with you. 01:51:56 Ann Bingham: Thank you everyone, such an interesting event 01:51:56 Wendy Troxel: Thanks so much, everyone! Be safe! 01:51:56 Julie Warden: Really helpful session- thank you 01:51:59 Mark te Wierik: Thank you everyone, it was a great pleasure to join this sesion 01:52:03 Ryan Scheckel: well done all! 01:52:03 Zenab Anwar: Thank you all! 01:52:03 Jacqui Thijm: Thank you 01:52:03 Kathryn Woods: Thanks all 01:52:10 Dionne Barton: Thank you. 01:52:11 Lorraine Healy: Thank you very much everyone. This has been really interesting. 01:52:14 Liba Whittaker: Many thanks 01:52:15 Rachel George: thanks everyone, really interesting session 01:52:15 Monique Schoeman: Thank you 01:52:16 Shareen Penny: thank you all... so informative 01:52:18 Catherine Mann: Thank you everyone and congratulations to the editorial team for great leadership! 01:52:22 Patricia Gilbert: Many thanks to all. 01:52:25 Rachel Evans: Thank you! 01:52:30 Susan Corner: Thank you everyone! Thanks David for letting me know I would be welcome to attend today.